Best Bridging Loans News:-Galliford Try Partnerships South East has officially submitted an application for the development of residential units at the site Silvertown Way, Woolwich, London, E16 1EA. The application has received the subcontract, but it is still pending a detailed approval. This project will be mainly privately funded, and it has been categorized as a Brownfield Site project.

Hank Zarihs Associates | Brunel St | £250M | 26 Storeys -HZ Associates

Best Bridging Loans

From September 2017 to September 2021, the project will finish development in 48 months. 4 structures will be erected on a floor and site area of 9319 square meters and 2.48 Ha. Upon completion, the structures will be as high as 26 storeys and will consist of 975 residential flats. 276 one bedroom houses, 406 two bedroom houses, 293 three bedroom houses, and 152 hotel beds will be developed for the project. A total of 137 parking spaces will be offered to the residents. The project will also feature associated cycle paths and public areas.

Thames Valley Housing Associates, Linden Homes Eastern LLP AND Fizzy Finchley Llp will be the associated developers for the project. JTP, Grid Architects Limited and Cartwright Pickard Architects have been chosen as the lead architecture firms, while Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Limited will join them as the primary planner. Fabrik Limited and Galliford Try Partnership South East will fill the roles of lead landscape architect and Quantity Surveyor respectively.

Long & Partners will offer their consultancy services for Mechanical and Electrical engineering and Sustainability. The consultancy for Structural engineering will be provided by Jenkins & Potter Head Office, while the primary transport consultant will be Ardent Consulting Engineers. The leading contractor will be Galliford Try Partnerships South East. The groundworks subcontract has been awarded to 5 Walsh & Sons Limited, while the foundation subcontract has been awarded to Keller Foundations. Wysepower Limited has won the electrical subcontract.

The project’s developers and investors can easily avail capital from HZA for making their infrastructure goal success and obtaining high ROI.


19 Yeoman Street | 72 Units | £6M - HZA
Caledonian Road | 252 Apartments | £20M -HZ Associates